Welcome, friends! Meet Joey Bybee:

A graduate of Oakland University's School of Theatre, he also had the privilege of studying at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art in London. Upon graduating, Joey packed up his trusty 1969 VW bug, and headed off to sunny Los Angeles. Since then he’s kept himself busy producing television (Cold Justice) and many live performances in Hollywood (Here Know Lies, Romeo & Juliet: Love Is A Battlefield, I Know What You Did Last Summer The Musical, and many more). His first love, however, is and always will be acting. This handsome, bearded nerd loves a spotlight. He spends his sliver of spare time playing Dungeons & Dragons (Quiet, you! It’s cool now!), building PCs, playing his ukulele, and raising his teenage son, and adorable chiweenie.


Joey Bybee


Los Angeles, CA
